Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Connecting the Lonely Profession

  After reading "Connecting the Lonely Profession" by Suzie Boss I am now willing to incorporate and use more web based communication tools when I am in the classroom. It is important to recognize and utilize how these tools can be used and that is mainly to swap ideas and get immediate feedback. Teachers should be sharing ideas, lessons - whether it be content specialized or ways to go about managing a classroom - so that it creates a larger form of differentiation in which we are then able to accommodate all different types of learners, especially the culture aspect. As stated in the article, using these blogs allows one to get feedback not only from their teacher, but sometimes students are able to get feedback from other students with different background from all over the world. I find this a great way to have the students stay connected with the world and take more interest in the learning aspect. I am completely in agreement with what this article stated because I feel that communication is key in any field and the better the communication, the greater the ideas and improvement are to follow.